PRESENCE precedes Essence ~
The Essence, that we call the Soul. It is the Pre-Essence of the ESSENCE ~ The Essence, that we call The Whole. It's also the Pre-Sensor of the Senses, In fact, Creator of them all. Thus PRESENCE, in its essence, is the Essence Of EVERYTHING~WHAT IS~THE ALL. For if there was no PRESENCE ~ Being, Present ~ There would have been nothing above all. However, nothing comes from nothing. And this is so, in all dimensions, planes or forms. Therefore, ESSENCE is CONSCIOUSNESS in PRESENCE, And PRESENCE is nothing but THE ALL.
Originally created on Jan 27, 2017 infinity = in + fi + ni + ty 0 1 2 3 5 8 13 21... in (inside, within) fibonacci ni = 0 (nil, nul, zero; the opposite of "in") ty = thee, you 0 1 2 3 5 8 13 21... ~ Within THE ALL, there is NO "YOU" ~ Within the Creation of THE ALL,
Within the Golden Spiral, There is NO "YOU", no "I", no nothing. The "ni" is opposite the "in", But both exist within the other. That means, Annihilate the "you", negate it, To become the "ni" ~ the nothing. Yet, Ex nihilo nihil fit, Nothing comes from nothing. Hence, no such thing like "nothing". So then, All you have to do, is BE One with THE ALL. ~ OneWith(In)Finity ~ For, When the "I" exits the "me", What's left to exist is Infinity... Truth is not finite.
Nor is it absolute, let alone obsolete. Although at times it might seem to be absolute and obsolete. Truth is not a finite destination. (Although at a certain level it is) It is being revealed moment by moment, by moment... AS IS. Truth cannot be "found forever", and then - "job done, that's it!" It is a CONSTANT that constantly IS, and is constantly changing and changes. As simple as this... As I was listening to The Human Design Rising Phoenix podcast, this insight silently emerged in me... And then this poem was created... Contemplating Innocence these days...
From Innocence I got to In•No•Sense. And In•No•Sense makes sense to me, In the sense that Innocence is (maybe) meant to be. INNOCENCE invites one to go IN... IN, IN, IN ~ deep into a state of NO-SENSE. Where space is spaceless, And time is none. And form is formless, And Truth is One. Where WHAT IS is just That, Which IS, Dancing at the tune of Unity. Where one don't need no senses, for they KNOW. They know, because it all makes sense within THE ALL. Makes sense, yet makes no difference, for IT is WHOLE. In sameness, and in difference ~ it is THE ALL. Behold in Innocence, and you will see How everything emerges, emanates From Thee. This what Innocence is all about? I wonder, but I wonder not. For when it comes ~ (or better yet) ~ when I arrive, I know that I will know I know. Until then, through my senses, "I" i.e. the Consciousness ~ will flow. Постигането на баланс е causa perduta. Ако все още сте от хората, които се стремят към "постигането на баланс", спрете и се замислете... А докато размишлявате, бихте могли да ползвате и следните въпроси:
Ако прекарате достатъчно и качествено време насаме с тези въпроси и ако бъдете напълно откровени и честни със себе си, е твърде възможно вие също да се окажете изправени пред отговора, който е в заглавието... Ако ли не ~ вероятно ще продължите да гоните вятърните мелници, в търсене на "баланса", който никога не стига до баланс... Балансът, който никога не спира да се самобалансира. В последното изречение всъщност се съдържа и отговорът отвъд отговора на въпроса отвъд въпроса. Our Roots are in the Stars.
Our Heritage, contained in the Bosom of the Earth. Our future is guided by both Heaven and Earth, Yet, what will it be, depends on who we Are Being and who we are Choosing to Be. Our Past will always be our Present, Unless we get rid of the 'trash'. Our Future will always come uninvited, Unless we own what we start. No-one can take away from you What You Tuly Are.
If you feel someone is taking away something from you - let them! What can be taken away from you is NOT What You Truly Are, For no-one can take away from you What You Truly Are. No-one can harm you or hurt you, if you Are Who You Truly Are. If you feel someone is hurting you - let them! Whatever hurts you is NOT Who You Truly Are, For no-one can harm you or hurt you, if You Are Who You Truly Are. No-one can deceive you or fail you, unless you lie to yourself. If you feel someones's deceiving you - thank them! Then go back to finding out where you stand as regards You True Self. Вдъхновено от "Последният танц" ("The Last Dance") ~ документалната поредица на ESPN & Netflix за Майкъл Джордан и възхода на Чикаго Булс Кадрите с Майкъл Джордан са от поредицата "Последният танц" Когато опознаеш даден човек в истинската му светлина ~ отвъд светлините на прожекторите и отвъд "формите" на повърхността (титлите, званията, постиженията му, бранда) ~ обикваш Бога в него.
А в случая с Майкъл Джордан, и благодарение на тази документална поредица ~ се свързваш с човешкото същество отвъд Човека~Бог. Този, чиито колеги от гилдията описват като: "не-човек" ("not human"), "отвъд човека" ("beyond human") и "Бог, дегизиран като Майкъл Джордан" ("God disguised as Michael Jordan")... И не след дълго си даваш сметка за Звездите в собствения ти живот ~ за Човеците-Богове, които са оказали най-силно въздействие в живота ти, често и без дори самият ти да разбереш. |
November 2021